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Upholding Human Rights During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Parvin Atabay

· Pandemic
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Parvin Atabay immigrated to the United States during the Iranian Revolution to escape civil unrest and religious persecution. She became a sought-after skincare specialist who manages the surgical center of Arti Enterprises in Encino, California. A dedicated humanitarian, Parvin Atabay supports women and human rights undertakings.

During the observation of Human Rights Day on December 10, 2020, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced that human rights should be at the front stage of COVID-19 response and rehabilitation efforts to achieve a better future for everyone. There is a need for global and rights-based frameworks such as health coverage for everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic has lopsidedly impacted venerable groups, including women, children, the elderly, minorities, and front liners.

It continues to spread due to discrimination, inequality, and other human rights shortcomings. The pandemic is also threatening human rights by providing an excuse for repressive actions that impinge on press freedom and civil liberties, as well as excessive security responses. The worldwide danger to humanity necessitates a global response based on mutual effort, multilateralism, and unity.